Our world has suffered greatly during this pandemic. Of course, this will not be the 'last epidemic' for humanity, which has experienced many similar epidemics and suffering throughout history. While we are still in the process, the lessons we will learn by being aware of this situation are very important.

That's why I find the World Pandemic Conference very valuable, which will shed light on the struggle of our world in future epidemics for less loss of life, less economic distress, less psychological and social problems.

We can take our measures in a healthy way by looking at the process with a holistic approach.We owe this to humanity. We cannot wait for future reviews. The pain we suffer today will surely be forgotten one day. Only we can reflect correctly what should not be forgotten, and now is the time.

The note that we will make in history with this conference will undoubtedly benefit the managers, scientists and all humanity who will shape our future. I would like you to know that we are very happy to host this conference that concerns all humanity.

Hope to see you in good days in our beautiful Izmir,